We are more alike than we are different. In 2020 when times were tough the majority of us crafters found comfort in making and sharing our crochet blankets.
A global platform for making and crafting has revealed the most popular crafting trends of 2020. LoveCrafts, analysed internal downloads of patterns, sales, and Instagram hashtags to determine the most popular makes of the year.
As you might expect, an easy sew face mask was among the most downloaded patterns. While cross-stitch kits were the most popular make-your-own kit and crochet blankets received the most hashtags on Instagram, with over one million posts tagging #CrochetBlanket.
The top five creative patterns and kits of 2020 in the UK
1. Easy sew face mask
2. Knitted fox and bunny dolls
3. Crochet rainbow of unity
4. Cross Stitch book lover bookmark
5. Knitted little Doctor bear
To view the top 10 Instagram makes, and see how the UK’s most popular makes compared to the United States in 2020 visit: https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-gb/c/article/the-most-popular-makes-of-2020-according-to-instagram
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